Private Museen und ihre Bedeutung für den Kunstmarkt, aber auch die Rezeption von Kunst, stehen im Mittelpunkt der Internationalen Tagung des Forums Kunst und Markt / Centre for Art Market Studies der TU Berlin und des Forums Transregionale Studien – Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin.
The history of state or public museums has been the focus of numerous symposiums and publications. Yet astonishingly little research has taken private museums in consideration even though the number of private art museums has risen dramatically over the past two decades. According to the International Council of Museums (ICOM), there are now more private museum spaces in the world than public ones.
The majority of these museums are in China, South Korea, the US and Germany, though private museums have been established also in Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Egypt, France, India, Indonesia, Russia, Turkey and Ukraine, among other countries.
At this year’s international symposium of the Centre for Art Market Studies at TU Berlin – organised in cooperation with the Forum Transregionale Studien and its research programme Art Histories and Aesthetic Practices – participants will be exploring the background, mechanisms and consequences of a phenomenon that may be referred to as the »global power of private museums«.
Thursday, 16 November
Venue: TU Berlin, Senate Room H 1035/1036, Straße des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin
18:00 Registration
Welcome and introduction:
Panel Discussion: State/Public/Private Museums: Challenges and Dynamics in a Global Art World
On the Podium:
Moderation: Julia Voss (Göttingen / Lüneburg)
19:30 Reception
Friday, 17 November
Venue: TU Berlin, Senate Room H 1035/1036, Straße des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin
10:00 Registration
Welcome and introduction:
Section 1: Old Fashion – new Branding? The »Privatization« of Art Museums in Europe
Chair: Dorothee Wimmer (Berlin)
Anja Grebe (Krems): The Politics of Public-Private Partnerships: Museum Case Studies from Germany and Austria
Ronit Milano (Be’er Scheva): The Power of the Brand: The Economic. Instrumentality of Private Museums in France and Ukraine
11:45 Coffee Break
Waltraud M. Bayer (Wien): Private Art Museums in post-Soviet Russia
Kathryn Brown (Loughborough): The Privatization of Public Museum Culture and the Future of Art History
13:00 Lunch Break
Section 2: Public-Private Partnerships? Global/Local Museum Centres
Chair: Georges Khalil (Berlin)
Oscar Salemink (Copenhagen): City of Art: State, Market, Museums and the Urban Reinvention of Shanghai
Deepti Mulgund (New Dehli): To the Nation, to the World? Two Moments of Museum-Making in India
Maurício Barros de Castro (Rio de Janeiro): The Global/Local Power of the Inhotim Institute: contemporary art, and private museums in Brazil
16:30 Coffee Break
18:00 Keynote Lecture
Wendy Shaw (Berlin): Privatizing the Republic: Museums, Markets, and Global Ambitions in Contemporary Turkey
Saturday, 18 November
Venue: Forum Transregionale Studien, Seminar Room, Wallotstraße 14, 14193 Berlin
Welcome and introduction:
Section 3: Politics and Cultural Properties: Private Museums in Context
Chair: Hannah Baader (Florenz / Berlin)
Reema Salha Fadda (Oxford): Towards a Transnational Museum? Negotiating the Political Economy of Cultural Production in Palestine
Mai Lin Tjoa-Bonatz (Frankfurt am Main) / Filemon Hulu (Gunungsitoli): Manifestations of Cultural Property: Private Community Museums in Indonesia
11:15 Coffee Break
Peggy Levitt (Boston): The Imagined Globe: Remapping the World Through Public Diplomacy at the Asia Society
Matthew Elliott Gillman (New York): Custodians, Collections, Communities: The Aga Khan Museum in Toronto
Stephennie Mulder (Austin / Berlin): Some Remarks on Private and Public Art Crime and Trade in Times of War
13:00 Close of the Symposium
Convenors: Forum Kunst und Markt / Centre for Art Market Studies, Institute of Art History and Historical Urban Studies at Technische Universität Berlin, department of Modern Art History, in cooperation with the Forum Transregionale Studien and its research programme Art Histories and Aesthetic Practices
Concept: Dorothee Wimmer (TU Berlin, Forum Kunst und Markt / Centre for Art Market Studies), Julia Voss (Fellow of the Lichtenberg Kolleg, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen / Leuphana Universität Lüneburg), Hannah Baader (Art Histories and Aesthetic Practices / Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz), Georges Khalil (Forum Transregionale Studien)
Conference Addresses:
Technische Universität Berlin, Senate Room H 1035/1036, Straße des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin (16.–17.11.2017)
Forum Transregionale Studien, Seminar Room, Wallotstraße 14, 14193 Berlin (18.11.2017)
Admission is free. No registration required but space is limited. Conference language is English.
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